Growing up as a dark skin black girl no one (besides me) would consider me your typical beauty. What's interesting about this process called life, especially for me, is that I never listened to what society defined as beautiful. For some reason, my lens is different. I see beauty without any boundaries. I see beauty everywhere I go. I see it in my mom, who is a beautiful African American woman. I see the beauty in my grandmother who was Cherokee Indian. I also see the beauty in my sister who is not only strong but gorgeous. This is my definition of beauty. I see the beauty in each person that I encounter, every song & voice that I hear & every face that I observe. I allowed myself confidence and I push and continue to push myself to reach my full potential. I am here to inspire every girl & woman to do the same.
I love makeup and everything about it. I started Hot Coco Cosmetics with a simple passion for something I feel brings me to life. I begin to think about what this phrase actually means "Beauty without Boundaries". No one could tell me I’m not beautiful, colorful and full of this life. I also decided that I need to be “the boss” not “a boss”. What that means is that I have worked and still work in the corporate world for about 11 years now. Although I am a “boss” at my job, I’m not "The Boss". I report to someone, I answer to someone, I have a schedule. I’m frankly mother-loving tired and I realized that it’s never too late to pursue a dream. No matter what that dream is. I have a degree & I'm successful in the corporate world. I'm intelligent and hungry and there we have the foundation. So, I dreamt of having a very successful black-owned makeup brand. That's why We are here. A little inspiration goes a long way. My little inspiration comes in the form of a 7-year-old. One day, my 7-year-old daughter asked me about my job. I was pretty proud to tell her what I do. After all, my “title” Senior Operations manager sounds important. I thoroughly explained to my child that I managed a call center with almost 200 employees which included call center agents, team leaders, supervisors and managers. She was completely fascinated. She told me “Mom, you are a boss!” That's when it hit me. I need to show my child how to be the best business owner and not the best employee for someone else's business.
Hot CoCo Cosmetics is a brand that speaks throughout the generations. Our brand represents everyone who ever felt that their beauty wasn't enough. We are here to let you know, it most definitely is. It is not only enough but it's uniquely you. What defines your beauty depends on you. I created this cosmetic line to be different for the sole mission of inspiring others to be our own best. As long as you have the passion you can literally do whatever you want.